My heart started beating faster as I wondered, did my water break? No, it couldn't be. My due date is still 10 days away.
I went to the bathroom and got back in bed.
I awoke at 6:00am, as usual, to go to the bathroom again. I was very wet, well, down there. When I stood up some more fluid leaked out.
My heart started beating faster as I wondered, did my water break? No, it couldn't be. Remember, it gushed with Jeremiah.
I went to the bathroom and was going to go back to bed, but felt I should tell Joel.
He was already awake and reading the Bible (he's so amazing). I startled him and he looked at me with wide eyes as I told him I thought my water had broke.
"It's just not the same as it was with Jeremiah," I pondered.
"Should I go to church?" he pondered.
He was supposed to leave home at 6:45am, but we decided he should stay with me to see if I started having contractions. I had one or two between 6am and 8am, but nothing major. We decided he should go into church (ie, work) and I would call him when something more exciting started happening.
I had a few more contractions around 9am and I called him to see if we should get the babysitter ready to take Jeremiah. He said to go ahead and call her. She was going to be out running errands around 10am and said she would be happy to get him.
10am was just one hour away.
His bag was not ready.
I was not ready to part with this little boy whose life was was about to be turned upside down.
I started crying as I finished packing his bag with favorite foods, toys and clothes. He was going to be a big brother. This little boy who had turned MY world upside down just 15 months earlier had no idea what was coming!
Would Jeremiah have a brother or a sister?
I remember having those same feelings for Evalyn as we drove to the hospital to have Caleb. You would have thought I was saying good-bye forever when I was telling her good bye. The last time I saw her before walking out the front door, that image will forever be etched in my mind!
Amen! Can't wait to see what God has been showing you!
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