Saturday, November 19, 2005

Charm Deceives and Beauty Fades

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
~Proverbs 31:30

Over the years this verse has become very dear to me. My Prince of Heaven knew I would need this verse. He reminds me of it when I desperately lack the fear of the Lord. When I do not feel beautiful physically He says, "Jaclyn, that does not matter to me anyway. Charm by itself deceives. Physical beauty fades. Remember? "

So I sit here typing this blog as I prepare for bed. I have a hideous looking mud mask all over my face. After I rinse it off, soft cream will follow. I will floss and brush my teeth. A thick coat of lotion will be applied to my hands.

And yet beauty fades. The wrinkles of age will come. The sags around my eyes will form. My stomach will stretch with child-bearing. My chin will... well, you get the point. Beauty fades.

I could be the most charming girl. I could dazzle and speak words everyone wanted to hear. I could dress in such a way that would charm the eye.

But charm, by itself, deceives. It is fake, lifeless, godless and selfish. It covers the true person inside and lies to all who see.

What lasts? What part of womanhood is to be praised, admired, modeled and sought after with all my heart? The answer is simple. Yet, it will cost me my charm; it will cost me my vanity.

"... a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

What do I want to be known for in this life? Being able to charm? Being beautiful? Hardly. I want to be known for fearing the Lord. I want people to look at me and see that I KNOW my God. I want people to not notice me when they see my life. I want to lose my individuality in the very character of God and reflect His grace so completely that every moment of my life HE is praised.

I have a long way to go. Praise God for His grace that disciplines. Praise God for His love that comforts. Praise God for His forgiveness that gives me hope!

So as I depart to wash off my face remember to be beautiful on the inside. Beauty fades. Charm deceives. BUT a woman who fears the Lord- SHE shall be praised!

(And girls, have you ever thought about this: A man wrote that verse! It was not a grandma talking to her grand-daughter about how to behave. Thus, the purest, most Godly, most honorable man is one that searches for the woman who fears God!)

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