Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Compact Discs I Love to Spin

These are the current CD's on my "must listen to" list:

1- "Share the Well" by Caedmon's Call (My action CD!)
This album is incredible. It reflects their experiences on the mission field in Brazil, Ecuador and India. They did a fabulous job conveying the emotions and feelings of a missionary. People that do not have a deep heart for missions or have never been overseas as a missionary may not understand why I cry through this whole CD.

2- "Soul Anchor" by Michael Card (My teaching CD!)
Wow. Michael has outdone himself this time. He wrote this album after doing an indepth study of Hebrews. Each song takes the listener through a section of Hebrews. It is perfect for me right now since I am studying Hebrews and faith!

3- "Arriving" by Chris Tomlin (My worship CD!)
Fantastic. This is the CD I listen to when I want to fall down and pour my heart out to God. The CD is full of honest God-centered music. Another CD that God has used to teach me of His unfailing love and supreme majesty.

If you are able to get any of these CD's, please do!!!

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