Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Colorado Weather at Its Finest

Last night before I went to bed the temperature dropped substantially. The wind started blowing and as I went to bed I could hear the soft patter of rain falling on the roof above my head. I closed my eyes with the soothing rhythm singing me to sleep.

This morning when I awoke I looked out the back door and gawked. I blinked and rubbed my eyes. Maybe, just maybe, I was seeing things. What day was it again? Oh, yeah, May 10th.

And there is snow on the ground???

More than that, though, the skies were a cloudless bright blue, the sun was shining, the green grass was sparkling and it was raining. (Since I could not see clouds I am not quite sure where the rain was coming from, unless it was just meltage from the surrounding trees.) To top it all off- the tree in our back yard was steaming too! Seriously, it looked like a fantasy land image.

Ah, I love Colorado!


Kathie said...

No picture??? It sounds wonderful. God is so incredibly creative :)

Jaclyn said...

I was not able to get a picture because I was getting ready for work! I wish I had, though!

Anonymous said...

Wow... I am so jealous! Maybe that will happen while I'm there this summer! :) My email addy is No need to delete this tho. :) Have a great weekend, Jaclyn!

Anonymous said...

Wow... I am so jealous! Maybe that will happen while I'm there this summer! :) My email addy is No need to delete this tho. :) Have a great weekend, Jaclyn!