Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Kissing, Fainting and Trusting God: One Year Later

One year. 365 days. 8,760 hours. 525,600 minutes.

A year is a long time in some regards, but a fleeting breath too. One year ago today something happened that changed the way I look at life forever. I have not thought about it as much lately... unless I have a headache and need to lay down. You see, the paramedics that rushed to the scene told me that my head could hurt for a couple of years at the spot that took the impact. It does hurt when I am stressed, tired or have a headache. My elbow healed after six weeks or so and the chiropractor set my back and neck to right again.

The transformation that occured in my soul, though, continues to affect how I view life. Life is but a vapor, as James says, here today and gone tomorrow:

"Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go
to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business
and make money." Why, you do not even know what will
happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that
appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you
ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this
or that." As it is, you boast and brag.
All such boasting is evil.
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and
doesn't do it, sins."
James 4:13-16

I cannot count on being alive tomorrow. I know that is a morbid thing to say, yet it is true. Every moment is precious. Any breath could be my last.

So, for those of you who were not around last year, you are probably wondering what happened! Truly, it was not something that most people would see as a huge deal. The paramedics said I could have died, but really it was just a moderate concussion. Still, God used something life-treatening to remind me to trust Him with my life and my death.

Read all about it here: Kissing, Fainting and Trusting God! (You have to read the whole post to understand how the three go together!!!)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that God allowed your life to continue on for His glory. If not, what would I have done tonight? Not that I haven't been known to, but talking to myself is not nearly as special as talking to you :) I love you and praise God that we were both spared to enjoy fellowship, His love, the ability to truly realize How great and awsome He really is.

Trin said...

I know I'd have never met you to be blessed by your posts on living out this faith. :D

Jaclyn said...

Ann Marie,
I am glad that God allowed YOUR life to continue on for His glory. If not, what would I have done last night? :-P I too praise God that we were both spared and able to spend more time together!!! He is awesome, isn't He? I think going through trials and pain allows us to see how lovingly compassionate He is to us! I love you and am praying for you!

Thanks! I am honored that you are blessed! Praise be to God for life, grace and fellow believers who are working out their faith along side me! God is good, so good.

Anonymous said...

Has that been a year ago already? Wow!

Time sure does fly!

Dawn said...

seriously...a year already? and how much chocolate ice cream have you eaten since then? :-P No worries. We don't have any in our home for when you come NEXT WEEK!

Dawn said...

seriously...a year already? and how much chocolate ice cream have you eaten since then? :-P No worries. We don't have any in our home for when you come NEXT WEEK!