People began to figure out our daily routine, where we were staying and where we were eating. Crowds began to gather outside the restaurant and at the end of our meals we were greeted with curious onlookers. After we had been there a couple of days we decided to take advantage of our admirers and do a clown show for them! And were they ever delighted! The children gathered close to watch us as the adults stood at a distance. We were cautious as we presented the gospel, knowing there was some resistance to the message of Christ, but excited for the opportunity. After we "clowned around" (haha) the children pressed against us, chattering and touching our skin and hair. The adults even ventured closer, thus the reason I was able to get the above picture.
We threw out frisbees that said, "Tembea na Yesu" which means, "Follow after Jesus." I would take a stack of 10-15 frisbees in my hand and throw them all at once. They fly every where, causing the children to run and laugh in all directions. They would gather them up and bring them back to me. I threw them again shouting, "Tembea na Yesu!"

After throwing the stack of frisbees a dozen times it was time for us to go. We loaded onto our bus and headed to another day of visiting orphans... thankful that we had taken the time to share the gospel to these that were curious about the white men! Obviously, we were not arrested for sharing in a public place, nor were we harrassed (which we were surprised)!
I long to go back to Africa. We are not able to go with our team in January of 2007. I am sad, but know that God will take me where He wants me to go... maybe deep into the heart of Thailand or to the slums of Bombay, India. I am confident that God used our words to spread His message to these young lives in the middle of the African desert!
“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:10-11
I'm so blessed that we're called to serve such a grand God that we are blended in Friendship and unique in our calling... Maybe we should go to Thailand together...I still have the Princess begging me to go over for 2-3 years to run the royal harp conservatory ;) I'll work with the royalty and you can work with the rest of the hearts of the nation. ;) Hmm. That might need a bit more prayer... but, knowing God's sense of humor, who knows :)
Hahaha... sounds like a WONDERFUL plan to me! You think we should pray about it first? You are sooo spiritual! ::Grin::
LOL yeah, I think some serious prayer would be in order. but we'd make a great team. Gooooooo Team! woohoo! hahaha Love ya!
Oh the memories, I'd give up a month here in America and in my "mundane" life for a day in Tanzania! IT was so awesome!
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