Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: A Month Ago!


Dawn said...

Love the Jesus Storybook Bible! My mom just gave that to us. I'm curious to know what's in the jar!

Jaclyn said...

I thought you might be the only person who KNEW what was in the jar! :-) It is your taco seasoning!

Katie B said...

We love the Jesus Storybook Bible too! We got it for the kids at Christmas time and I'm going to try and start reading a little bit with them every morning :)

Amanda Mentzel said...

We have the Jesus Story book Bible (as well as a couple others) and aren't very happy with it. The Big Picture Story Bible is way better, our favorite!

Jaclyn said...

Amanda- I have heard of that one, too. I am not sure what it is like, but we like that the Jesus Story Book Bible points to Jesus in all the stories. That was rare in what I looked at... and I looked at a lot! I would like another one for a little younger child so maybe I will look more into the one you mentioned. Thanks!

Amanda Mentzel said...

The Big Picture Story Bible is even better at pointing to Jesus! It's not about having big illustrations, but the big picture of redemptive history. And it is good for younger readers. Not a ton of words and the message of our need for a Savior from the very beginning is clear. Having not grown up with an understanding of covenant theology, it's even taught me and helped me to see things more clearly, as well as given me much joy and delight in God's redemptive plan throughout history.

Some of the stories are good from the Jesus Storybook Bible, but overall we think it makes God wimpy and emo. There are little markers of God's anger and hatred toward sin, but it's largely about God's deep sadness and how now he has to come up with a new plan, a dream. It makes God little and reactionary, instead of the sovereign ruler and strong redeemer.