How Far Along: 22 weeks
Size of baby: 11 inches and almost 1 pound
Total Weight Gain/ Loss: 8 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Just started wearing them! My mom and a few friends have given me some shirts. I have purchased two things so far!
Gender: Surprise!
Movement: Baby is active first thing in the morning, mid-afternoon and as soon as I lay down at night.
Food Cravings: I really do not have any yet...
What I Miss: Ultimate Frisbee
Sleep: Hips are aching, but otherwise I am sleeping great!
Symptoms: I could do without the heartburn. Seriously.
Best Moment of This Week: Swimming last night!
What I am Looking Forward To: Being able to feel the baby (not just movements).
Doctor: My next doctor's appointment is Wednesday May 26.
I cannot believe, first, that I am pregnant and second, that I am over half-way! Lord willing, in 18 weeks we will be holding our first child in our arms. How incredibly amazing and unbelievable!
Yesterday I was watching some birthing videos, which I have done before, but this time it was different. When the little baby was laid on the mother's chest and cried for the first time I got teary and could not shake the emotions for the rest of the day. So very soon that will be Joel and I with our baby!
The Lord is gracious. He gives strength and wisdom. I trust in Him to fill all the areas where I feel so incapable. This child is His. He has given them to us to teach us more about Himself. I rejoice in that and will embrace all that is to come with confidence in Him!!!
1 comment:
Amen! Amen! Amen!! Children really are a blessing from the Lord. I am so thankful that he trusts us to love and care for them this short time on earth, it is truly rewarding! The Lord gives us the grace we need when we need it :). I look forward to reading your updates!
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