The last few days I have been trying to publish this post and Blogger was not letting me upload pictures. Finally, it worked!
On Monday a little boy, Judah, turned 2 years old. He is dear to me, not so much for who he is, but for who his parents are. I have spent very little time with Judah and yet hours with his parents.
I met Matt E. in April 1999. In order to make an extremely long story short, we met, became good friends almost instantly, he went to college, met Dawn and fell in love with her, introduced Dawn and I, and now she is the dearest friend I have outside of my family.

Jaclyn and Matt in January of 2001-
a picture taken after we had been laughing hysterically
Dawn is amazing. Her constant friendship the last 7 years (give or take a few months) has been none other than a gift from God. I've posted sappy things about her before, so I will spare you too much more of that. :-)
So, on Monday she celebrated her son's birthday. Me, well, I celebrated Matt and Dawn. It has been a wonderful journey to be apart of and watch from, sadly, a distance. I will never forget the excitement in her voice when she called me exclaiming, "I'm pregnant!"
Many emotions flooded my heart and mind. Dawn, pregnant!?! It was amazing and impossible at the same time. This girl had giggled with me about things girls discuss, shared hard times, admitted faults, rebuked me in love and we had talked about everything under the sun. I had been engaged and unengaged before she and Matt were even engaged. And we had shared it all. Laughter and tears.
Now, she was going to be a mother.
We began talking pregnancy, morning sickness, body changes, labor, delivery, parenting, sleepless nights, nursing, hip pain, doctors appointments, baby names and hormone shifts.

Jaclyn and Dawn- May 2006
Now she has TWO sons, has been married almost 4 years, has moved several times and was able to visit Colorado once! She is an amazing wife, mother, homemaker, sister, friend and follower of Christ. I admire her in more ways than I can even begin to count.
And Matt, well, who knew it would lead to this after meeting 9 years ago? (NINE!) He has been a constant friend through some very hard times. He is a godly husband and father. I respect him very much and it only grows more as the years pass.

Matt, Judah and Elijah!
So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Judah!And, well done, Mom and Dad E. May your children arise and call you blessed because of your love for the Lord. May your home be a light for Christ. May those around you give you honor because you are people who love Him! May your home be full of laughter, mercy, generousity, faith, love, purity and Godly offspring (at least a few more...)!
Love to you all!
Thank you for such a sweet honoring post of my children. They have done well and it is because they love the Lord. I say "amen" to your prayer at the end of the post. I believe the Lord will answer that prayer. You are such a sweet dear friend to them. I cannot wait to meet you in person some day. I hope I don't have to wait till we are all in heaven :)
::sigh:: I love you, Jaclyn. I want your readeres to know what I told you -- that it is precious to me that you have not allowed our friendship to change though I have moved to different (not better!) stages of life. To lose such a fierce friendship because one is single and one is married/parenting is flat out wrong in God's society. Thank you for these years of strength and companionship as we each travel our different paths together.
Say, how is Caroline Stickley doing? Any updates>
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