Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Do you ever look at the people in this world and wonder what they are living to accomplish? We are like little ants, going here and there, working, storing up food for the winter, and yet one day we will die. There is no cure for death and yet we live as if the inevitable will never happen.

What is the point of gaining more possessions, fame or a "better self"? What is that going to help when death is just around the corner for all of us?

What am I living to accomplish? I am like a little ant, going here and there, working, storing up food for the winter, and yet one day I will die. Do I live as if I think the inevitable will never happen?

I am hungry. They are hungry. We are hungry for God whether we admit it or not.

And there are a few of us who have the answer to the hunger. We have been given access to the Bread of Life. We have tasted and seen that He is good.

Yet we hoard it for ourselves. Oh, we do not always do it intentionally, but we do it all the same. We get so busy in our menial tasks that we forget the war for souls continues to wage all around us. We stay locked in our houses, cars, jobs and churches. We hoard the gospel, abuse it in our own lives and occassionally hope that the lost will be saved.

And death comes. For them. For us. And life is gone...


Augustinian Successor said...

We shall, we shall triumph over evil, and we shall be victorious. Don't you worry, saith Our Lord, Blessed Saviour Christ, because I shall be with till the end of the world, even though bodily I canNOT be with you.

Let us take a few moments of silence to reflect and ponder on the GOOD gifts God has showered upon us such as food, clothing, and so on.

But we shall never forget the sufferings oooffff the people of God in the rest of the world ...

Augustinian Successor said...

Pray for the lost? Yez, yez, pray we must and we must pray and keep on persevering in our prayers.

Yup, no short cuts there.

If I may, I would like to take this opportunity right here to thank the OMF for its ministry in reaching out to the peoples of Asia, especially in the Far East and Southeast Asia and the rest of the Asia.

Thank you. TQ, Jaclyn.

Dawn said...

We get so busy in our menial tasks that we forget the war for souls continues to wage all around us.

That gave me goosebumps because it reminded me I am waging war for the souls of my own two sons in the midst of my own home...every day.

Woah. I need this reminder every day!