Hands, wrinkled and weathered by age, tenderly touched the faded pictures as she recounted details of the story behind each portrait. Our eyes soaked in the beauty of her once young face while we eagerly listened. Page after page brought forth more accounts of God's faithfulness to John and Helen Cox as they served Him in Thailand.
Now she is old and frail, her hearing and eyesight are failing, yet she continues to live with persistence. Every day she retreats to her single room at the Lammermuir House so she can talk with God and fellowship with Him. The most important thing in life, she tells us, is to spend time alone with God. And she does, faithfully.

Helen is just one of the dear people we had the honor of living with last week in Lancater, Pennsylvania. The other "reassigned" missionaries have similar stories and spend their days in like fashion- prayer and Bible study. One couple decided they must get up earlier, 4:30am, if they were to cover all of the prayer needs each day.
I will be formatting more of my thoughts into intelligable language soon, but for now I wanted to leave you with a picture:

(Helen is on the far left in the bright blue dress... what a precious woman of God!)
I didn't know Ben went with you. How amazing it must have been to hear all the history of God's faithfulness!
Thank you for the gorgeous yellow roses! They've already opened up. And one box of chocolates is already gone...I had help, I promise. And my dad found the mocha one, so I only got to eat one out of two. My mom was disappointed in a silly way that she wasn't the first to send me flowers in my new home. Good job! ;-)
I love you and relish the times I get to talk with you!
Pretty much amazing.
"... what a precious woman of God" ...
Yez, yez ... indeed ......
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