Did you just read what I read?
About 1,500 galaxies are visible in this deep view of the universe, taken by allowing the Hubble Space Telescope to stare at the same tiny patch of sky for 10 consecutive days in 1995. The image covers an area of sky only about width of a dime viewed from 75 feet away.
The image covers an area of sky only about width of a dime viewed from 75 feet away.
How great is our God!
And I let my minute, puny, tiny problems distract me from HIM? The Creator of the 1,500 galaxies I see here?!?!
How human can I be???
There is nothing simple about our creator. Our thoughts and our minds cannot conceive the mysteries of our own world. To even think we can understand beyond this point is a grave understatement. Our heavenly Father is so majestic and superior to us, that our knowledge can ever know, or will ever be known to the human race to comprehend, but can only guess of its wonders and will never be able to execute the wisdom to know the projection of His magnificent universe. Science can not even make up there minds how the earth was formed, much less the great and eternal universe’s. Yes, I’m convinced there is a whole lot more than our own universe. Some day we will all know, but not as human beings. When God splits the eastern sky wide open, we will see things beyond our mortal body’s expectations, or ability to comprehend. Now, our God is truly; AN AWESOME GOD.
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