Monday, April 23, 2007

Me who? What?

I think it is high time for a casual, update post about my life.

What is there to say, though???

*** ADDITION: ***
Ann Marie wants me to mention that I am hilariously funny.

I work.

I eat.

I sleep (barely).

I ponder deep things.

I am reading the Cost of Discipleship (still).

I finished Looking Back by Husdon Taylor.

I am studying what God has to say about divorce and remarriage.

I long to travel overseas.

And people are wondering when I will get married.

My mom wants grandchildren.

The End.


Anonymous said...

The fact that we practically mirror each other makes me smile :)
Very well put. But,you forgot to mention that you're hilariously funny.

Kathie said...

Tell people you will marry when God supplies the man. Tell your mom grandchildren are worth the wait. God will give her grandchildren in His *perfect* time:) I realize it is easy for me to say since He has already provided me with some.

Yesterday our pastor started a two part series on "The Hidden Hand of Providence". It was very good. I think next week will be even better. You might want to give it a listen... then click on sermons.

Anonymous said...

Good job, girly! :D

Dawn said...

You also keep a young pregnant mom of a 1 yr. old sane and un-lonely. ;-)

Jaclyn said...

You keep my sane too, Dawn, just in a different way! :-P

Kathy, I know I will marry when God supplies the man. I am past the stages of "oh my goodness when will he come"? (for the most part, at least!)

Blessings to all!

Anonymous said...

I'm with on overseas.

Sometimes I don't know how I *can* get up each day and calmly do a day's work.....

Jacob Mentzel said...

Dear Jaci,

I happen to have a friend who's moving out in your area. He's not exactly sure where, but closer to home is the idea. He's looking to continue correspondence classes at Southern Seminary with a view towards ending up a Wycliffe Bible translator. He's looking for work to help support him through his training, and I thought immediately of your work with OMF. As you can imagine, something that involves his passion for the unreached would be much more than ideal. Any thoughts, possibilities, or openings?