Check out their websites at: BZ Band and The Ben Zornes Band
Ben's first acoustic single, "Holy God, Humble King," can be heard on The Ben Zornes Band MySpace. Once they reach 500 plays on this song then Ben will upload a portion of the second song. I am so excited for Ben as I watch him mature musically. The band, as a whole, is incredible too! Caleb is the world's best percussionist. Greta, the only girl, is doing FANTASTIC on the bass. Vince is a crazy good electric guitarist and accompany acoustic. Really, you cannot understand how good he is until you listen to him. There there is Ben. I AM biased, of course, since he is my brother, but I think he is the best singer/ songwriter/ guitarist ever!!!!!
I cannot wait to see where they go as a band. Pray that God will open doors to spread His fame. This band has a heart to proclaim God's glory to the nations. It is not about fame or fortune. Take it from someone who sees all four of these people on a regular basis.
It is about Jesus.
Where was this taken? and who's behind the camera??
Well... the field pictures were taken in Caleb's back yard by my mom. they needed a picture for the conference Ben taught at. they are not really offical band pictures. Hometeam Photography (my parents' business) is going to take more soon with better outfits and lighting. For now, though, these will have to do. The middle field picture is on their myspace page and on the cover of Ben's CD. We are thinking about having a "street team" meeting sometime soon to talk about how we can all do promotion!!!!!
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