Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Art of Randomness

Characteristically I am not a random person. I prefer, although I am not bound by it, order and structure. The last few years I have become more relaxed, enjoying random plans, changes and ideas. Then dear Dawn posted a completely random post about things happening in her life.

And I think it is a good idea.

~ Today, I have a job interview with Caleb Project International. Please pray that I will have wisdom as I gain information and make a final decision.

~ Today, my dad has a meeting/interview with our financial planner, who is a good friend. He has offered my dad a job that will focus on taking financial planning seminars to churches. Initially it will not pay as much as we need to pay the bills, but as the vision grows, so will the paycheck. I am very excited for my dad. Ron is an incredible man of God and will be a perfect mentor as my dad heals from ministry abuse- since Ron has faced it too. Ron is 15 years older than my dad and 15 years ago he left the ministry (as a career) because he was not willing to take the abuse from the laypeople any longer. I think my dad is encouraged that in 15 years he can be where Ron is. Praise God for encouragement and hope.

~ I am currently doing The Blazing Center Bible study by Desiring God Ministries with Katie and Ann Marie. The young adult group at my church is also doing this study, which is fun for me to have a bunch of my friends doing it at the same time.

~ I really, really, REALLY love my family.

~ Tomorrow, Ben records his first CD. His voice teacher and a producer are paying a local studio to record a demo CD- that will be forwarded to advanced producers in Nashville. Pray for Ben that he will be focused and have endurance. Pray that he has time to complete three songs! He will be in the studio for 9 hours, the time "professionals" use for half a song, but for a demo CD the songs do not have to be perfect, he just wants variety. Hopefully he will be able to upload the music to his MySpace page so that all of you can listen to it. :-)

~I love Autumn.

~ Saturday, the ARC Thrift Store is having a 50% off sale. I know because yesterday I was at the Dollar Tree that is right next to the thrift store... so of course I had to browse there too. I usually go straight for the books. Sadly, there is always a GREAT variety of AMAZING Christian books at the ARC. Yesterday my gold prize find was Dietrich Bonhoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship. I did a VERY risky thing. As an avid thrift store shopper, if there is a 50% off sale on Saturday, why buy it today? Still, there is the possibility that a. I will not be able to find it if someone moves it or b. it will be purchased. I guess I am willing to take that risk, although I have been thinking about it constantly, even praying that God would keep it safe for me!

~ I got my hair cut, 6 inches off in some places, and have yet to post a picture, sorry. I am loving it.

~ I am craving the chocolate no bake peanut butter cookies that are sitting at home.

~ When I left home this morning I had to carefully step over the four children playing "Samuel is falling down the stairs which we are pretending is a mountain" game. They quickly informed me that I was walking straight down the side of a cliff and needed to be careful.

~ We had fondue for dinner last night, an October tradition.

~ Timothy shared with us what he learned in history about Martin Luther. Did you know that Luther posted the 95 theses on October 31? I didn't! I think we should celebrate his life on that day instead of indulging in and supporting an otherwise dark "holiday." I would encourage all of you, if you have not already, to read this document. I have conveniently posted them on A Distant Thunder for you.

~ I have done something to my internet tool bar and have no idea how to fix it.

~ It is time to go, I must fix some kettle style popcorn for Katie and I.


Anonymous said...

You make me smile!!!! :D
I'm praying for your interview today! Very exciting! May God give you grace in discernment, wisdom in asking questions and comfort and peace of spirit as you potentially begin some drastic changes to the 'norm' of daily life. I love you!
So, now I'm craving the chocolate no bake peanut butter cookies sitting at your house, too. thanks a lot! :o)
Ooooh and I can hardly wait to see your new look! Sounds splendiferous!

Kathie said...

::shock:: I cannot believe you didn't know the Luther "posted" the 95 theses on Oct. 31. A wonderful, godly, christian homeschooled girl like you?? :D I really am surprised...the above is hyperboly (sp) Our church celebrates the reformation. Each year someone talks about or does a drama about one of the giants of the faith...this year it is Spurgeon :) Come to Little Rock and celebrate with us :D

Dawn said...

I LOVE your hair, and I think Tori is wrong. You don't look 12. Waiting to hear how the interview went and talk to you about your dad!

Autumn said...

I want to see the hair!!!