Theology. Philosophy. Abortion. Genocide. Sociology. Homeschooling. Missions.
Somethings are just too heavy to post about amid pictures of cute kids and funny stories. I have done what I thought I would never do- start a second blog. It always looks strange to me when there is a "life update" following an entry where I have either shared a deep thought or launched a spiritual challenge. Furthermore, I do not write as freely as I would like to about my convictions, spiritual thoughts and social issues.
Thus the second blog. I might rant about public schooling, weep over abortion, challenge common thought processes, discuss philosophy or review a book. I will write whatever comes to mind or what God is teaching me. We'll see.
I am sorry, in a way, to do this to my faithful "reader," for it is yet another blog you might feel obligated to read. But if you read anything of mine, please, read the new blog.
Thunder is rumbling in my heart. It shall not be silenced. Not this time. Too much is at stake.
Hey, good to hear from you, thanks for the comment and the prayers. Had both a good and a rough few days.
As for the new blog. I know the feeling, slowly I started adding some 'life bits' or 'bits about me'. Wasn't sure how I felt about that as I started writing about the important things, God things, and didn't think people needed to hear the other things - I didn't want to post mindless emotion. I still try not to do that but I figure some reality is a good thing. Objective truth I'll always love and write about, but personal examples of truth are also good. I just have to be careful with that line. I'll look forward to hearing what you have to say.
I assume Pure and Simple will now be a 'Jaclyn's life' blog?
No problem.
Thank you for understanding. :o) I will erase all of these comments now.
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