You have heard of "writers block," right? Writers block is when a writer has difficulty with ideas, creativity or motivation. Well, what about readers block?
Galant gave me what I will title "Readers Block" today when he tagged me with this questionnaire. It is practically impossible for me to give you only one book for each question. I have read so much and many excellent books that to name one does injustice to the ten others I could put too!
Still, I gave it my best...
1. One book that changed your life.
Ha! ONE? (Other than the Bible) You have got to be kidding me… I look at my life in eras and for every stage I could name a book that changed me in some way or another. Most Recently I would declare The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis as an influence of perspective change. Also, several years ago God used My Life for Yours by Douglas Wilson to remind me of who I am and what I want to be. I am not sure if it was life changing, but I know it redirected my focus at that time.
2. One book you've read more than once.
Mommy, I have to go potty! by an author whose name I cannot remember. I am sure that I read this a dozen times in a row during the beginning stages of potty training Samuel!
Seriously, now: I have read The Great Divorce several times. I tend to skim books for a refresher, reading what I highlighted, not always taking the time to read the whole book through again.
3. One book you'd want on a desert island.
The Bible, of course, and My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers (or anything by John Piper).
4. One book that made you laugh.
The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis (the title always makes me giggle!)
5. One book that made you cry.
Mind Siege by Tim LaHaye and Dr. David Noebel.
6. One book you wish had been written.
I may write this book myself someday- Between the Pulpit and Politics. It would give the lay church member an in-depth look at the pastor and his family, their struggles and the expectations that people place on them.
7. One book you wish had never been written.
The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. The ideas he presented in this work, as well as his other writings, were by no means “new” ideas. His influence though, coupled with the current political and social events of that era, threw his perspective into the lime light. It was definitely a book that changed the course of history and society.
8. One book you're currently reading.
The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges
(and if I can do two… So Much More by Elizabeth and Anna Sofia Botkin)
9. One book you've been meaning to read.
I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Norm Geisler
10. Now tag 5 people.
Ben, Vince, Ann Marie, Sophia and Katie (links to their blogs on the sidebar)
I'll get right on that... tomorrow ;) I have to go thinking through my book lists. It is rather a cruel questionaire though--only one book per question? AHhhhhh! I'll try to manage ;)
Look for mine next week. =)
Read "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist."
It's not to hard and it is veary enjoyable.
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