It is Saturday. I am tired. It is, finally, freezing outside. I have a precious sleeping baby boy (who should probably be awake). And me, well, I should be doing other more productive things (like studying for the lesson I am teaching in 16 hours).
Welcome to 2011.
I have a lot I want to accomplish in 2011. My list is no different from yours, I am sure, with a few of my top goals being to get more organized and save money.
There is something frightful about disorganization in my mind and yet I have allowed myself to collect stacks of paper, stuff items out of sight to "handle later," make lists that look intimidating, etc. Wasting money is just as horrific to me and yet we have been doing a pretty good job at that one, too.
And, as always, I look at myself and say, "Martha, Martha, do not be anxious and troubled about so many things!" (Luke 10) The one thing I need to do is so simple- be with Jesus.
My ultimate goal of 2011 is to know and believe Jesus Christ more fully than I did in 2010. The house and the money will practically take care of themselves if He has all my attention.