Thursday, January 17, 2008


* It hurts to peel an orange when you have a paper cut. Ouch.

* Cold cars need about 15 minutes to warm up.

* Water always spills on something it is not supposed to (like cell phones) and misses things that could get wet (like plenty of other desk space). God uses it to teach us to laugh.

* Tickets to Asia are expensive.

* Some weekends are completely empty and others have so much that fun things have to be refused. Sad.

* Being single and wanting children helps me understand, a little, the pain of a barren woman.

* A man with a sword stirs a mixture of adoration and awe in the heart of a woman. Interesting how the Word of God is called a Sword? That was not a mistake... :-) Every generation of men can be skilled with the Sword.

* Lettuce is not enough for lunch.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Life as It Is


2008, can you believe it???

The year 2007 was absolutely amazing. It was amazing because I was stretched and molded in many unique ways. It was good!

* I completed my first year of working FULL time. What a transition it was, going from a 20 hour work week to 40; starting at 8AM instead of 9; and trading a 7 minute commute for one that is 45.

* I LOVE OMF! I have learned so much about missions both overseas and at home. I have come to understand the amazing amount of support staff it takes to keep missionaries on the field.

* I had three new jobs this year. I began the year working for both OMF, as Finance and Administration Assistant, and Initiative360, as Executive Assistant to the Human Resources Manager. Then, March 1, I was hired full time by OMF in the Fin and Admin Assistant position when I-360 closed. THEN, June 1, I was promoted in OMF to Payroll Administrator. PHEW! How thankful I am that it has passed and I am settled in ONE job with ONE boss. :-) At one time the beginning of this year I had three bosses, three jobs and three desks! Seriously!

* I went to SURPRISE Dawn in January for her 25th birthday! That was a blast! I will NEVER, EVER forget her slamming the door in my face. Then, in June Matt and Dawn had a short 1.5 hour layover at the Denver airport... a layover that turned into 3 days! She was able to spend time with my family, I saw her pregnant and had her in my home for the first time in an 8 year friendship!!! What a joy!!! I love you, Dawn!

* God sent me to Pennsylvania. I was able to spend a week with retired OMF missionaries, hearing their stories, looking at their pictures and learning from them. Words really cannot describe it! (I am STILL hoping to do some writing about this!!!)

* Someone came into my life and swept me off my feet... hahaha, shocked you, huh? I'm talking about my mountain bike. I had prayed for it and God gave it to me. This Summer I was able to spend many hours on it, covering many miles and rejoicing in God's creation. I cannot wait to get back on it!

So, enough highlights from the year past. What will the new year hold? I am always very reflective the last few days of December and the first few of January. This year I was not able to ponder as much since I was sick and living through Ecclesiastes 7 with a family death. Last night I was able to do some thinking and I wrote out a few goals for 2007.

1- Read 24 books. That is 2 per month. I used to read more than that, but with working like I do this will be more realistic. (This does not count books on CD, which are becoming my best friend since I have such a long commute! I have listened to ALL seven Chronicles of Narnia by Focus on the Family Radio Theatre through TWICE.)

2- Read the Bible through twice. If you read my previous post on this you will remember that this means I will need to read 6-7 chapters a day.

3- Do an indepth study on Hebrews.

4- Finish memorizing Ephesians.

5- Travel overseas.

6- Get in shape. I was going to say lose 10 pounds, but I knew people would give me a hard time about that since no one thinks I need to lose weight. I agree. I need to lose pointless tissue and excess inches. How is that? :-P In all reality I will probably gain weight as I get in shape. My goal is to be back to the size I used to be 2 years ago by the time I travel to Asia. Less than 6 months. It can be done!

7- Begin fasting regulary again- part 2 of getting into shape. I feel so much better spiritually and physically when I am consistenly fasting. There will be a day when I will not be able to fast (pregnancy, age, health issues, etc.) and so I want to make sure that I capitalize on doing it now!

8- Make progress on my Biblical Studies Certificate. Several years ago I started a self-paced certificate program with Liberty University. It is an indepth study of the Scriptures that is equivilent to an Associates Degree in time, energy and work. I am almost half-way through and would like to be almost done by the end of 2008. God has given me peace and a release from the demand to get a degree, but I would like to finish this certificate for the sole reason of knowing His Word better than I do now!

I think that will keep me busy for the next 12 months...

Thank you, Jesus, for giving me 2007! What a journey it was with You. All the tears, laughter and refining was well worth it. May I glorify You with 2008. Continue to mold me and make me more like Yourself. Be my vision. Be my only desire. Be my satisfaction. Be my peace. Be my joy. I love You!