I thought I would give everyone updates about my family, recent happenings and my life...
Job SearchMy dad is starting a part-time job today working at Lifeway Christian bookstore with my brother, Ben. He will work there a couple days a week while spending the other days continuing to look for a permanent job. There are several churches and a ministry manager position that are reviewing his resume. There is one small church about 40 minutes away that is very interested in my dad becoming their senior pastor. Our family is very excited about this possibility. Ministry is who we are. Serving God is what we love to do. Please pray with us as he continues to look for a job. Finances are getting tight. God is faithful! We are learning to trust Him more and more every day!!!
Fuel PumpThe problem with my car last week was the fuel pump. I had the fuel pump replaced last August and so the replacement of it was under warranty. I paid nothing. PRAISE GOD! And many thanks to our awesome mechanic, Jonathan at Johnny Good Inc.!
Job's ExamplePastor Kelly preached a very down-to-earth sermon on Sunday. We have been studying the gospel of John, but after facing many trials last week he decided to preach on Job. What a timely sermon it was for me! So many times I want to question God's reasoning or seek an explination as to why I am suffering. You know what? God owes me no explination. He is big enough for my questions, He is big enough for my fears, He is big enough to take responsibility for ALL things- good and what seems like "bad" to us. I do not need to try to find a reason for my pain. The only reason needs to be what I see in God's Word: discipline or discipling. (Hebrews 12) So I rejoice! I am being made more like Christ, who suffered, died and rose again! He is my model and the saints that have gone before me, enduring much hardship themselves, are my encouragement. After the sermon I felt so full of joy. I still feel such joy and peace as I have not felt in... a LONG time.
Little IndiaSunday afternoon Ben and I went to lunch with our friend, Wes. We met Wes a month ago at Crossing Cultures which is apart of the mission class,
Perspectives, I am taking. Wes is also doing Perspectives, but at the other location on the north side of Denver. (If that makes sense to you!) He took us to lunch at a place called Little India. We ate the Indian buffet, laughed, talked of missions and stuffed ourselves with yummy food!
NCAA ChampionshipLast night we had Vince, Katie, Ann Marie, Will, Marion and Jese over to watch the college basketball championship game. It was so much fun! We ate a delicious baked potato bar, cookies, salad, popcorn, sorbet and candy! We laughed, we cried (poor Vince, his team lost ;-) and we finished the evening with a guitar jam session. Vince and Ben are both amazing on the guitar!
Last, but certainly not least on this personal update post...
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, comes out on DVD today. We pre-bought the two disc collector's version. We are watching it tonight.
Go ahead, make fun of our fanaticism, I do not care. I admire the author. I love the books. I adore the radio theater stories. I enjoy the movie. (And cannot wait to see the 10 hours of extended features... ::wink::)
"If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic differently: that if a willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed in a traitors stead, the Stone Table would crack and even death itself would turn backwards." ~From the movie: Aslan after his resurrection